waving hand



I'm BestCodes

Christian, Coder, Creator

latin crossI'm a Christian

Sinner Saved by God's Grace

I'm a sinner saved by grace, redeemed by Christ's love. Striving to live for God's glory and share His message of hope. Imperfect but forgiven, growing in faith daily.

I haven't published very many of my Christian or Bible related projects yet. (I haven't published many of my projects in general).

I am currently working on a few Bible apps, verse of the day programs, etc. I'll publish them when I get around to finishing them...

latin crossI'm a Coder

Probably a bit obvious, credits to my username...

I love to code! I've been coding for about 7 years now.

My programming journey began several years ago when I received an mBot from a friend. The little robot was simple but very fun! The graphic-based programming (based on Blockly by Google) made it pretty easy to learn and understand coding concepts. Of course, it's very limited! I wanted to learn more. You run out of things to do with Blockly quite quickly.

Before receiving my mBot, I had already (barely) fiddled with JavaScript a bit. I made a few simple HTML pages (following tutorials like the famous 'Fav Drink' on w3schools). It was super fun but also super impractical! I wanted to make my own useful website. Interactivity isn't everything!

It didn't take long for me to discover CSS. I fine-tuned my styling skills with the help of AI. (Now, of course, I just use frameworks with built in styling like TailwindCSS. It makes things a lot more uniform and consistent.)

That's a nice summary of how I got started with web development. I'm a full-stack developer now, which, for any non-programming viewers, basically means I make the frontend things you appreciate (a website is frontend), and the backend things you probably don't even know exist. There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes!

I write most of my backend in Node.js, which is not surprising (since I already had experience with JavaScript.)

pushpinPinned Projects

latin crossI'm a Creator

An uncreative catch-all word for everything else I do

I design stuff. I create stuff. I print stuff.

Once upon a time, I received a challenge - if I could learn to 3D design, the challenger would gift me a free 3D Printer.

How could I turn that down? I got right to work. I began 3D modeling with Blender, which wasn't the easiest thing to start with. Blender targets 3D animation / film production, but thankfully there are plenty of tutorials on YouTube.

I usually just use TinkerCad now for simpler models, but I'm learning a few others softwares as well (since TinkerCad is quite basic).

Here's a few of my 'Highlighed Models' - and no, the names aren't buggy or anything. My teams account on Printables seems to love double-naming models. Appearently it ranks models higher on the search.

winking face

That's all — for now

Maybe I'll add more to this site sometime. I don't know. For now, you can just check out some of my other pages on this site.

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